When Parting

UN SD finally been completed .... and its value had also been out . None of us are proud and some of us who had to be satisfied with the value of the mediocre . Because the UN has been completed , SD I held off long enough . Me and my friends are very happy with this off long enough , and the parents are busy - busy her find a school that would accept her child . One day , the school announced , few days incoming students , not mandatory , and there are no lessons , just get in at 06:35 to 12:00 . On the day - the day it is allowed to bring hp , toys , etc. . Her only preparatory activities for the farewell to be held Saturday, December 09, June 2012. Preparation - preparation that memorization mars among them is al - Azhar , dancing , and photo for yearbook / yearbook . Her place on the parade ground drills while our farewell to a place of execution in MMTC . Friday ended his prep dated June 8, 2003 , at his practice located in MMTC . Me and my friends had one a few times , well advised since the beginning has never come to MMTC . Well , that day is pretty tiring day , the weather was hot , the teachers make quick emotion . Haha , yes , we really had annoyed , but , yes fair lah , because tomorrow is D-day . And finally we went home , armed with a sense of uncertainty about tomorrow . We are in the haunting insecurity that time . Well , one thing that can soothe our hearts and the spirit of the day it is sure tomorrow we will definitely look to good . And , well , the anticipated day arrived . Sukup lunch because I woke up , I thought I was late . I was crying . My parents tried to calm me . Fear of being late , I was immediately set . Fortunately, I was not late . I am exactly 5 minutes before the event starts . Wiping away tears , I headed to my friends . And , we went into the stage . It turns out that present a lot of , it is also a very festive event . Fortunately, no error occurs during the separation takes place . In short , our farewell success . Alhamdulillah . And the most memorable for me was , when I saw her for the last time my friends face and said, " Goodbye my friend " ....

letter replay to order

PT Jual Buku
06, Rawamangun
East Jakatra 98795

November 04. 2013

Mr Adul Abdulah
Jl Raya Bogor 161517
Number 92. West Bogor

Subject: Replay for Book order

Dear Mr. Abdul Abdulah

                We are pleased to acknowledge your order about the adventure book. But, that book your order now is empty. We apologize for this condition, because the publisher did not send that book again.
                We will immediately send your order when the book is already available. We will also send the newest catalogue from our company.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.
We thank you for your order and we look forward to being of service to you in the future.

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