Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae

Riyo Tri Afrianto
Jl. Golf Citatah Dalam Lingkungan II, 007/013, No. 8, Bogor. 16320

Title     : Application Letter

Bogor, November 3th 2014

HRD (Human Resources Department)
Bank BNI
Jl. MT. Haryono, Jakarta Selatan

Dear Sir/Madam,

Having heard that there is an excited vacancy for Accounting Manager, I am interested to join at your company and a copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed.

I am 22 years old and I graduated from Computer System Faculty University of Gunadarma, Majoring in Accounting.

I have work experience as Administration Staff two years in PT. Bank BNI. I am ready to work hard, and I have high motivation, good communication skill, computer skill, high loyalty and honest person.

Hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Riyo Tri Afrianto

Riyo Tri Afrianto

Jl. Golf Citatah Dalam Lingkungan II RT 007/013, No. 8, Bogor. 16320

Personal Details
Full Name                                : Riyo Tri Afrianto
Sex                                          : Male
Place and Date of Birth                        : Bogor, 6th April 1992
Religion                                   : Islamic Religion
Address                                   : Jl. Golf Citatah Dalam Lingkungan II RT 007/013, No. 8, Bogor. 16320
Phone                                      : 0838.9836.39xx
E-mail                                      :

Education Background
2010 – 2014                            : University of Gunadarma, Computer of System.
2007 – 2010                            : SMK NEGERI 2-Bogor.
2004 – 2007                            : SMP  PGRI 1 CIBINONG-Bogor.
1998 – 2004                            : SD NEGERI 3 CIBINONG -Bogor.
1997-1998                               : TK Lingga CIBINONG.

Course and Education           
Ø  Special training program by Microsoft, Jakarta Pusat, October 2010 – January 2011
Ø  English Courseat LPBB LIA, Bogor, July 2012 – December 2013

Ø  MS Office ( MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint)
Ø  Internet literate
Ø  Fluent in English language oral and written.

Yours faithfully,

Riyo Tri Afrianto, SKOM


PT Sukahati Bunga
Electronic And Service
Jl. Bunga No.68 Depok, Jawa Barat

Tel (021)87974321
Mawar Indah/js
23 November 2013

PT Harum Melati
Jl. Anggrek No.86 Bogor
Jawa Barat

Dear Sirs,
We ordered 20 units Laptop on 20 November 2013 and they were delivered on 22 November 2013. I regret that 4 of them have problem with Lcd .
The package containing these goods appeared to be in perfect condition and I accepted and signed for it without question. It was on unpacking the laptop the damage was discovered; I can only assume that laptop was due to careless handling at same stage prior to packing.
I am enclosing a list of the damaged goods and shall be glad if you will replace them. They have been kept aside in case you need them to support a claim your supplier for compensation.

Yours Faithfully,
Mawar Indah
Sales Manager

PT Harum Melati
Jl. Anggrek No.86 Bogor, Jawa Barat

Tel (0251)8123456
Your ref : MI/js
Our ref   : SC/st
25 November 2013

PT Sukahati Bunga
Electronic And Service
Jl. Bunga No.68 Depok, Jawa Barat Tel (0251)87654321

Dear Mrs Mawar
I was sorry to learn from your letter or 22 November2013 that some of the laptop supplied to this order were damaged when they reached you.
Replacements for the damaged goods have been sent by package post tomorrow morning .It will not be necessary for you to return the damaged goods; they maybe destroyed.
Despite the care we take in packing goods there have recently been several reports of damage. To avoid further inconvenience and annoyance to costumers, as well as expense to ourselves, we are now seeking the advice of a packing consultant in the hope of improving our methods of handling.
We apologize once again for this, and hope the steps we use taking will ensure the safe arrival of all yours orders in future.

Your Sincerely

Stone Cool

Kesulitan Dan Pendapat Mengenai ( GRAMMAR, LISTENING, WRITING, READING AND SPEAKING) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pelajaran bahasa inggris buat saya adalah pelajaran yang tidaklah sulit. Mungkin sebagian orang mengganggap pelajaran bahasa inggris itu adalah pelajaran yang sangatlah sulit. Menurut saya pelajaran bahasa inggris itu memang ada sebagian kesulitan dalam pelajaran itu, seperti grammar, listening, writing, reading dan speaking. Kalau saya pribadi menurut saya bagian dari pelajaran bahasa inggris itu yg sedikit sulit adalah kategori grammar, speaking and listening. Karena ketiga kategori tersebut menurut saya hal yang sulit. Pada grammar saya kurang bias mengatur pola untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris itu sendiri. Yang kedua itu speaking, jujur saya paling sulit dalam pengucapan atau berbicara banyak dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, karena mungkin toofel saya masih sedikit dan blum luas. Yang ketiga adalah listening, listening ini buat saya sangatlah sulit, karena setiap orang itu dalam berkata atau berbicara bahasa inggris itu pelafalan dan pengucapan kata-katanya itu berbeda-bada. Mungkin ada yang faseh, ada yg lebih natural dan ada juga yang berbeda.

When Parting

UN SD finally been completed .... and its value had also been out . None of us are proud and some of us who had to be satisfied with the value of the mediocre . Because the UN has been completed , SD I held off long enough . Me and my friends are very happy with this off long enough , and the parents are busy - busy her find a school that would accept her child . One day , the school announced , few days incoming students , not mandatory , and there are no lessons , just get in at 06:35 to 12:00 . On the day - the day it is allowed to bring hp , toys , etc. . Her only preparatory activities for the farewell to be held Saturday, December 09, June 2012. Preparation - preparation that memorization mars among them is al - Azhar , dancing , and photo for yearbook / yearbook . Her place on the parade ground drills while our farewell to a place of execution in MMTC . Friday ended his prep dated June 8, 2003 , at his practice located in MMTC . Me and my friends had one a few times , well advised since the beginning has never come to MMTC . Well , that day is pretty tiring day , the weather was hot , the teachers make quick emotion . Haha , yes , we really had annoyed , but , yes fair lah , because tomorrow is D-day . And finally we went home , armed with a sense of uncertainty about tomorrow . We are in the haunting insecurity that time . Well , one thing that can soothe our hearts and the spirit of the day it is sure tomorrow we will definitely look to good . And , well , the anticipated day arrived . Sukup lunch because I woke up , I thought I was late . I was crying . My parents tried to calm me . Fear of being late , I was immediately set . Fortunately, I was not late . I am exactly 5 minutes before the event starts . Wiping away tears , I headed to my friends . And , we went into the stage . It turns out that present a lot of , it is also a very festive event . Fortunately, no error occurs during the separation takes place . In short , our farewell success . Alhamdulillah . And the most memorable for me was , when I saw her for the last time my friends face and said, " Goodbye my friend " ....

letter replay to order

PT Jual Buku
06, Rawamangun
East Jakatra 98795

November 04. 2013

Mr Adul Abdulah
Jl Raya Bogor 161517
Number 92. West Bogor

Subject: Replay for Book order

Dear Mr. Abdul Abdulah

                We are pleased to acknowledge your order about the adventure book. But, that book your order now is empty. We apologize for this condition, because the publisher did not send that book again.
                We will immediately send your order when the book is already available. We will also send the newest catalogue from our company.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.
We thank you for your order and we look forward to being of service to you in the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yours sincerely

                                                                                                                                         Riyo Tri Afrianto
Generar Manager

Cara mudah belajar bahasa Inggris
- Mungkin Anda banyak mencari tentang cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana bisa berbicara, menulis, dan hafal semua aturan tata bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris. Belajar bahasa Inggris banyak membuat siswa frustrasi, karena mereka tidak mengetahui bagaimana metode yang tepat. Sebagai hasilnya, pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan tentu saja sia-sia dan tidak membuahkan hasil dengan signifikan.

Dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris, sejatinya hanya ada tiga langkah mudah yang bisa Anda terapkan dan membuahkan hasil yang baik. Langkah-langkahnya akan kami jelaskan secara singkat berikut ini.

Fokus pada Input dan bukan hanya output

Kebanyakan siswa dan guru bahasa Inggris memberikan pemahaman bahwa kunci penguasaan bahasa terletak pada menulis dan berbicara. Memang, itu tidak salah karena banyak orang yang langsung praktik berbicara dengan berani, ia akan terbiasa dan kemudian mendapatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.

Tetapi untuk lebih cepat, seseorang juga harus mengasah kemampuan mendengar. Kemampuan mendengarkan merupakan salah satu kunci meraih keberhasilan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu Anda harus menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris, teks bahasa Inggris, dan tentu saja film berbahasa Inggris.

Dengan mendengarkan beragam kata dalam bahasa Inggris dalam waktu yang lama, maka kemampuan mendengarkan bisa meningkat pesat. Anehnya, Anda juga akan meningkatkan kemampuan dengan pesat dalam konteks berbicara. Situasi tersebut telah terbukti dan kemudian, Anda harus menjadi orang berikutnya yang membuktikan hal ini.

Grammar itu penting namun jangan terlalu dibebankan

Grammar adalah hal yang penting bagi Anda sebagai pelajar. Mengapa demikian? Karena status bahasa Inggris di Indonesia adalah bahasa Asing, bukan bahasa asli, atau bahasa kedua. Jadi, grammar adalah sebuah hal yang wajib untuk dipelajari.

Kendati demikian, jangan anggap grammar sebagai beban yang mengharuskan Anda untuk menyesuaikannya sesempurna mungkin. Dalam hal menulis, tentu saja grammar penting, namun dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris, kita bisa sedikit memberikan toleransi dengan kesalahan-kesalahan grammatical atau tata bahasa. Namun, maksud dari perkataan yang kita ucapkan harus tetap jelas. 

Grammar itu penting namun jangan sampai mengalahkan keberanian kita untuk mengekspresikan bahasa Inggris.

Ulangi dan kemudian lakukan secara perlahan

Kunci dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris adalah dengan melambat dan terus mengulang. Di sekolah, siswa membaca teks terlalu cepat kemudian guru memberikan materi dengan sikap seakan terkejar oleh waktu. Akibatnya pemahaman seringkali tidak maksimal. Siswa hanya akan mendapatkan memori jangka pendek dan guru sulit untuk berhasil dalam mengajar.

Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengulangan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus dan dalam tempo yang lebih lambat akan menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang lebih baik. Siswa harus mendapatkan materi dengan pengulangan hingga belasan kali. Dengan pengulangan tersebut, maka terbentuklah memori jangka panjang. Kemudian, siswa mampu mempelajari bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik, dan tentu saja efektif. 

Itulah 3 langkah utama dalam cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris. Selamat mencoba dan semoga Anda berhasil. 

Referensi :

The Definition of Harddisk

Hard disk is medium data storage on a computer that consists of a collection of magnetic hard disks and spinning, as well as other electronic components. Hard disks use a flat disc called the platter, which on both sides are coated with a material that is designed to be able to store information magnetically. Platter-platter by punching holes in the center are arranged and rearranged on a spindle. Platter spinning at very high speed which is controlled by the spindle motor that is connected to the spindle. Special literacy electromagnetic tool named head mounted on a slider and is used to store information in a disk or read. Slider mounted on the arm, all of which are connected mechanically to a single collection on the surface of the disc and is connected via a device called the actuator. There was also the logic board to regulate the activity of other components and communicates with the PC.

ATA / EIDE. EIDE hard disk (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) or ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) is the latest version of a stAndard disk interface suitable for connection to the bus. Many manufacturers have a range of disk with a disk interface EIDE / ATA disk can be connected directly to the PCI bus and roomates which is used in many PC (personal computer).

SCSI. Many disks have interfaces designed for connection to a standard SCSI bus. The disks tend to be more expensive, but have better performance which is possible due to excess SCSI bus than the PCI bus. Access to the same can be done for many disk drives as the drive interface is actively connected to the SCSI bus only when the drive is ready to transfer data. This is especially useful in applications where there are a large number of requests for small files, which often happens in a computer used as a file server.

RAID. Promises great performance and provides a large and reliable storage. Disk is used both in high-performance computer and in systems that require dramatically higher reliability than normal levels. However, with the decline in prices to a more affordable level, the disk becomes more attractive even for a computer system with size - average.

SATA. SATA hard disk of the type (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment), the disk interface ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) by using the serial version of the thin cable that has small wires. Total about two-thirds of total hard drive cable with type EIDE or ATA disks are numbered 39 pins and SATA has very high speed data transmission and reducing latency. So, this serial bus is able to exceed the speed of parallel bus.

Referensi :
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